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These are some of the many tools that you can get at Groobix to help you get your people together and your business in sync.


The Dashboard provides Feedback about everything that´s been going on in Groobix, so you don´t miss a single beat of your business.
Click on any of the Dashboard items to get more information, and take action on the spot if needed.


The "Tasks" module lets you coordinate your Team´s activities, easily.

For instance, you can review all the "To-do's" you have assigned to other People

You can create new tasks for yourself or others, from many different windows in Groobix


Host as many discussions as you need. You can define who in your team can participate in each discussion.
You can discuss or comment on every single object in Groobix. Every contact, sales opportunity, task, project, note, etc. has a place to keep it´s own comments and discussions.


Groobix makes working on your projects really easy.

Create a new project.

Describe it briefly.

Define who will participate in this projects. (Only project members will be able to see/work on the project).

Each project is made of Milestones, Tasks, Notes and Discussions.
Track your Milestones visually.

Share info in Notes

Create a Note to share information.
You can even share files / links from anywhere on the web. (This is a great way to share your Dropbox files!)

Make this note appear in your "Headlines" if you wish.
Here is your Note, published in your company´s Headlines.


Use the Groobix Calendar to quickly review what´s coming up in your business.

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